Ayaskanta Bhasma (Kantaloha Bhasma)

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Ayurveda Medicines for Anaemia

Most commonly, people with anemia report non-specific symptoms of a feeling of weakness, fatigue, general malaise, and sometimes poor concentration. They may also report dyspnea (shortness of breath) on exertion. In very severe anemia, the body may compensate for the lack of oxygen-carrying capability of the blood by increasing cardiac output. The patient may have symptoms related to this, such as palpitations, angina (if preexisting heart disease is present), intermittent claudication of the legs, and symptoms of heart failure.

Swarnakantavallabharasa: Cures anaemia. Gives strength and enriches blood.
Dosage: This can be used with Draksharishta for bloodlessness and weakness.

Kantavallabharasa: Useful for anaemia, jaundice, and chronic fever. Corrects the disorder of the liver and spleen.
Dosage: This can be used with Draksharista for weakness and bloodlessness.

Poornachandrodaya: A great general tonic. Prevents heart weakness.
Dosage: 1g = 5 doses. To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician.

Kantabhrakasindura: Gives strength, improves complexion, promotes sexual potency.
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. Add an equal dose of jeera powder and use one dose at a time both morning and evening with sugar candy to remove numbness at any part of the body or all over the body.

Mandura Bhasma: Useful in anaemia, jaundice, dropsy, and chronic fever
Dosage: 1g = 3 doses. Use twice daily with Draksharista and Lohasava for anaemia.

Kasisa Bhasma: Cures indigestion, sula pains, diarrhoea, and anaemia. Improves blood.
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. Use one dose in the morning and one in the evening with the decoction of Ajwan, gingely seed, and methi seed for amenorrhoea and pains in the abdomen.

Lohasava: Cures anaemia and jaundice, dropsy, asthma, cough, enlargement of spleen and liver.
Dosage: To be taken with an equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.

Sidhamakaradhwaja: A great nervine tonic, that enriches memory, Sexual potency, and imparts vigour to the total body.
Dosage: 1g = 10 doses. To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician.

Ayaskantha Bhasma (Kantaloha Bhasma): Greatly increases blood. A good alternative tonic.
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. Add the powder of Trikatuka and Vidanga to double the dose of the medicine. Use one dose in the morning and one in the evening with honey for anaemia and weakness.

For better results use this ayurvedic medication for a minimum period of 3 months.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.

Blood increaser - Strengthens Heart & lungs

Ingredients: Ayaskantam purified


  • Greatly increases blood. A good alternative tonic.

  • Promotes longevity, strength, and nervous potency.

  • Useful in dropsy, numbness, anaemia, jaundice, leanness, indigestion, and loss of appetite.

  • Strengthens the heart and respiratory organs.

Unit of Packing: 5g, 10g

Dosage: 1g = 4 doses

  1. Add the powder of Trikatuka and Vidanga double the dose of the medicine. Use one dose in the morning and one in the evening with honey for anaemia and weakness.

  2. Kantalohabhasma 3g, Kaseesabhasma 6g, Silajit Bhasma 12g mix them and make 31 doses. Use one dose in the morning and one in the evening with the decoction of triphala for swellings due to meha and jaundice.

  3. Use both morning and evening one dose each with cow milk adding sugar for excessive leanness. Use Aswagandhadilehya along with for better result.

  4. Kantalohabhasma 6g, Shadgunasindura 6g and divide into 30 doses use one dose in the morning and one in the evening with the juice of bhringraj leaves for numbness and with Draksharishta for heart palpitation. It is to be used regularly with honey (or) ghee for general health.

Other Names of the Product: Ayaskanta Bhasma (Kantaloha Bhasma), Ayaskantha Bhasma

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